Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ING Direct, I love you... (Bank of America, I HATE you...)

This morning I found the following letter in my in-box.  Now, usually, I don't pay much attention to "official" e-mails, but today I read the whole thing.  And it just reminded me, again, how much I love this company.  

I believe we first heard about ING from friends when we were still living in San Francisco.  A "virtual" bank was an entirely new concept to us, but we thought it sounded pretty cool.  Then, the friend sent us an invitation to join.  We were offered $25 just for opening a savings account.   (He got $15 for signing us up.)  Yep, that's right.  They gave us FREE MONEY for opening an opposed to demanding a minimum balance like some places.  (I HATE you Bank of America. H-A-T-E!)  

Anyway, we realized that they paid much higher interest than who we were currently using, and we've been loyal customers ever since...slowly transferring more an more of our business to them.  We've never had a single complaint.  Not only that, I actually like calling customer service when I have a question because a really nice native english speaker always answers the phone and says "Hi!  How can I save you money today?"

If you haven't yet, I highly recommend that you check out ING.  And let me know if you want an invitation to join...I can always use an extra 15 bucks!

Dear Emily,
Customer Number: XXXXXXX000

As we enter the final few months of 2008, I want to thank you for your continued confidence in ING DIRECT. Over 700,000 new Savers have joined us so far this year strengthening the bank and their own financial footing through our savings, home mortgage and ShareBuilder investment accounts. Despite a challenging economic climate, our Customer base is 7 million strong and growing.

The consequences of the mortgage meltdown on financial institutions and individuals continue to erode many Americans' dreams. We will continue to stress the right way to achieve home ownership – buying only as much house as you can afford and paying off your mortgage as fast as possible. In return for good credit and prioritizing home investment, ING DIRECT mortgage Customers are rewarded with exceptional rates and a transparent, direct administration process. Rather than selling your mortgage to another bank or investor the minute you get it, we keep your mortgage and service it here. Doing so gives us flexibility to find innovative solutions to help Customers keep their homes during unexpected financial downturns.

While we don’t have an Orange crystal ball, we do expect the economy to remain fragile through 2009. The best course of action for our Customers is to be disciplined: avoid splurging; identify and cut out unnecessary expenses and save for what's essential; and hedge against those tough times. We can all benefit by developing good spending habits: confront - and cut up - credit cards; use your home as a savings vehicle - not as an ATM; and establish and contribute regularly to an IRA or 401(k).

In this difficult financial environment, we work tirelessly to safeguard your deposits, mortgages and investments. Importantly, your deposits are FDIC-insured according to its limits and your investments are SIPC-protected. Our security processes are the best in the business and are in place to protect your savings from those with bad intentions. While we are constantly vigilant, we need your help. Keep passwords to yourself. Never give personal information through an email. And always install both the latest antivirus and anti-malware software on your home computer.

Thank you for your continued trust in
ING DIRECT. We will not waver in our promise to provide you with great value, service, security and convenience.

Arkadi Kuhlmann
CEO of Savings

ING Ball