Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dear USA Network and Royal Pains Respectively;

Doug and I are HUGE fans!
Great job putting together quality shows high on wit, and low on the gratuitous scuz most shows use to fill the gaps between inane dialoge.

We love Psych, (loved Monk), love Burn Notice, love White Collar, and we love Royal Pains.  (Plus, we're going to love Covert Affairs.  We just know it.)

We just have one teeny tiny itty bitty complaint:
The song at the beginning of the Royal Pains:
"Independence" by The Blue Van
It doesn't work.
It doesn't elicit excitement.
It annoys people.  (Okay, well--it annoys us.  A lot.)

(And, until now, I thought it said "My Independent Wendolyn".  Which makes as much sense as "My independence went away" --which is what it actually says.)

In short, it BUGS!

And we'd like to respectfully demand that you change it to something more fitting.
Plus, why is Hank falling in a pool?
Plus, how in the HECK does WWE fit into the above line-up???  (Seriously!?)
Please change the whole opening.
And remove WWE from the airways.


Your Loyal Fans - Doug and Emily Dub

(Sometimes it just feels good to write a letter!)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Reading List: Self Improvement Edition!

Here are a few of my all-time favorite, always recommended, practical/life-changing/perspective-altering self-help books.  Enjoy!

"...Seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom. Seek learning even by study and also by faith."  Doctrine and Covenants 109:7

On Finances:
"Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey
Learn how to get out of debt and start accumulating wealth. (We're currently working on our debt snowball.)  This guy is very back-to-basics and common sense.  It's one of those books you finish and wish every one of your friends and family would read.

"The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason
Short, sweet and to the point.

"The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley

I read this quite a few years ago but still think about it and remember some of the things I learned.  For example:  The people who think they have to look rich (like Doctors and Lawyers) are usually the ones with the most debt and least amount of actual accumulated wealth.

On Physical Health:
"Eat for Health" by Dr. Joel Furman
These books have changed the way we eat and view food.  It's very empowering to think you don't have to suffer through the last years of your life.  If  you take care of your body, you can stay healthy even as crotchety old people!

Doug has lost a bunch of weight and I might also if I'd lay off the chocolate!  (Hey, I'm nursing!  Give me a break!)

On Mental Health:
"Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns
Another empowering book!  Change the way you think, act and react--without drugs.  I'm a big fan of cognitive behavior therapy because I believe the brain is very powerful.  I'm not anti-drug, I just think a lot can be accomplished without them!

On Changing Your Outlook and Life:
"Hard Times and Holy Places" by Kristen Belcher
Written by my sister-in-law, I've heard nothing but GREAT THINGS about this book.  And it really can change your life for the better if you let it.

"The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten-Boom
Amazing and perspective changing.  The best holocaust book you'll ever read.  (Besides maybe "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl--also highly recommended.)

On Pain:
"The Gift of Pain" by Paul Brand
I loved this book and recommend it to everyone!  It is fascinating and reads like a really good novel.

On Gardening:
"Square Foot Gardening" by Mel Bartholomew

An easy and practical (AND PRODUCTIVE) way to plant a vegetable garden. Plus everything you need to know about composting, planting schedules, etc.

We're currently enjoying our broccoli and lettuce harvest.  Peppers, tomatoes and beans are on their way.  Crossing our fingers for pumpkins and corn!

On Getting Babies to SLEEP:
"On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam
I believe the first edition of this book was quite controversial because people were following the suggestions to the letter without using their own judgement.  (Duh.)  I researched the hysterical claims and didn't find anything (In my version) to substantiate them.  I personally don't do everything this book says.  But I credit it for making all four of my crazy boys into excellent sleepers.  All of my boys have been able to sleep through the night from an early age and sleep deeply at night.  (I.E., Gabe shares a room with Gray and doesn't wake up when Gray cries in the morning.)

On Marriage:
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Like her or hate her, if you follow even a little of the advice in this book, it will improve your marriage.  I happen to love Dr. Laura because she is a tireless advocate for healthy strong marriages, intact families, stay-at-home moms, religion, strong moral values, adoption and foster care, etc.  Plus, she likes Mormons!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Book Review Times Two - Brandon Sanderson

I've just finished a couple of books I really enjoyed, both by the same author.

Warbreaker (Tor Fantasy)

both by Brandon Sanderson.  Both of these books fall into the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category which is not usually my thing.  (I'm a huge mystery/suspense/thriller fan.)  BUT, I love anything with good writing, a good plot, and at least a little suspense.   So I make exceptions.  (A lot.)   My other stipulation for giving a book a big thumbs up is that the writer doesn't rely on gratuitous s-e-x to fill the pages or swear too dang much.  (A book I absolutely hate for this reason:  "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult)

These books fit the bill.  Both sucked me in from the very first page and kept me reading.  (Too much, too fast!)  Both have strong characters and well crafted plots and what I call "artistic unity" (which means that everything in the book is in there for a reason) and although they both include swear words, they're made up swear words in a made up language.  So not offensive to me at all!

Now, I must say that "Warbreaker" does include some s-e-x.  Nothing graphic but it is part of the plot: since two characters get married and are supposed to make a baby.  To me, that excludes it from the "gratuitous" category so I don't get all het up about it...but it is in there.

One other thing I don't enjoy in all Sci Fi/Fantasy in general?  Made up nouns.  I like being able to pronounce things and I have no idea what the proper pronunciation is for "T'Telir" or "Susebron".  But, I can never have everything I want.  Even my perfect husband likes Country music, after-all...!  So I try not to be too bugged.

When I started "Elantris", Doug told me I'd be sorry there is no sequel.  He was right.  I was sad to finish it.  Which is why I started "Warbreaker" soon after.  That's my idea of a good story.

Therefore, I highly recommend these books.  Especially "Elantris".

Have you read these books or any others by Brandon Sanderson?  What did you think?
Read anything else I'd love lately?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Congrats Mel!!!  
You're the Winner of the Sea Glass necklace!!!!!
Hooray!  I'll be in touch.

Everyone else, ease your personal pain by going to and buying something.  On-line shopping always works for me!

Thanks for entering everybody.  Thanks for the beautiful necklace Misti.

And let's not forget:  The world has enough a FOLLOWER!!!!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Sea Glass Jewelry - Giveaway!!!

Because it's been awhile and because I love all two of my loyal readers, and because Mother's Day is approaching and I'm anticipating breakfast in bed, (which makes me feel extremely magnanimous) it's time to do a giveaway!!!
Two of my very good friends here in Japan, Kendra and Misti, have a passion.  A passion for BEACH COMBING and SEA GLASS!

They've turned that passion into an awesome business making beautiful jewelry.
Please give a warm welcome to...
K and M Creations!!!

(wait for iiiiiiiitttttt.....)
Misti gave me a necklace to give to one of YOU lucky readers!!!

(It looks similar to this one below:)

Here's a little info about their jewelry:

Featuring 100% Beach combed sea glass, surf tumbled to perfection - not artificially enhanced! Design your own piece or check out our gallery for one of our original designs! Custom designs using your own sea glass also available!

So!  Here's how to enter for your chance to win:
Leave a comment and get one entry.  (I'm going to need your name if you want your entry to count.)
Become a "Follower" of this blog (right side bar) and get four extra entries for a total of FIVE!!!
(I KNOW, I'm AWESOME, right?!?!?!  And maybe I want more than two followers.  It's a pride thing.)

The contest will end in four days.  Monday night/Early Tuesday your time.
(Tuesday night at 10ish my time.)

Got it?  Good.

Make sure you're Following or Subscribed to this blog to find out if you're the lucky winner!

Not a winner?  Don't worry.  I still like you.  Oh, and you can always go to:
and buy something for yourself.  And your sister and your mom.
That way we all win.
But mostly you and your sister and your mom.

Good luck!  And may the best entrant be selected from a random number generator!!!

FYI: I am not being compensated in any way for this review.   I'm just a big fan of sea glass!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Toy I Hate, A Toy I Love...just because!

This is probably a moot point since we bought this toy almost two years ago, but every time I see this toy it bugs me and I want to TELL THE WORLD! Or, the three people who read this blog...just to warn you in case there is still one hanging out on the shelf at your local Target.

So here it goes. I hate this toy. This toy? Yes. This toy.

But it's cute, right? Backyardigans, a pirate ship, a tub toy! What's not to love?

The design, that's what.

First of all, everything deck-up comes apart. Handy for storage I suppose. But it comes apart too easily and doesn't go back together easily. (Not for toddlers, anyway.) That means the mast and sail, which Gabe could never "fix" himself, were a constant source of frustration, and eventually (fortunately) got lost/thrown away.

But here's the worst, most horrible-terrible-no-good part. The first time we put it in the bath tub, The bottom cavity filled with water. Maybe this is required for it to maintain proper buoyancy. I dunno. The problem is, the bottom cavity is the only part that DOESN'T come apart! It's SCREWED TOGETHER! With (now rusty) metal screws!!!

That means, this toy is filled with nasty, moldy, two-year-old water and it can't be cleaned without the use of a tiny screwdriver!!! (And my OCD hasn't taken me that far. Yet.) It's amazing I haven't tossed the dumb thing! (But we have a dirth of tub toys so it's gotten lucky.)

And THAT is all I will say about that.

Moving on.

A toy we love:

We got this toy a few years ago from my in-laws. The toy pictured below is actually the next generation design so not exactly like the one we have. (But ours is still kicking, sooo...props for quality!)

Basically, the genius of this toy is that it contains a suped-up hair dryer. A little motor blows air through the toy which pops the balls out the top. Then they fall back down and roll down the ramp for another spin. Oh yeah. And it plays music.

Now, you may think the motor noise/song combination would get annoying. But the popping balls are so mesmerizing, you forget the noise and just stare. And when I say "you" I mean "YOU", me, and children of all ages. Everyone loves staring at this toy. Babies through big kids.

Yes, bigger kids are always dropping matchbox cars, blocks and other toys into the Ball Popper to see if they pop out. They don't, but it's easy to pop the ramp off, and dump out the offending toy if it happens to get stuck.

When our Ball Popper bites the dust, I'll buy another one. For the kids, of course!

I'm glad I have a place where I can get these things off my chest! Gotta love blogging!